VOL. 14

Peel Aesthetics

bouncestage 2022. 6. 13. 23:03

Peel Aesthetics





“Bringing useless fruit peels back into our lives in a new way”


By recycling banana peels and orange peels, redesigning and remanufacturing them, such a closed-loop system is formed, reducing environmental damage while achieving sustainable use of fruit waste.

Curved pendant light

SIZE/ 190x190x100mm



Long Pendant Light

SIZE/ 330x50x100mm



Mini Tray




Orange peel bioplastic, which has a leathery texture, is tough but weak, and has the property of changing color over time.

Banana peel bioplastics, after heating and oven drying, the yellow color of the banana peel disappears completely and is replaced by a black texture with very low strength and brittle properties.




1.Curved pendant light: Banana peel 200g, vinegar 30g, honey 10g.
2.Long Pendant Light: Orange peel 100g, coconut oil 11g, glycerin 84g, sodium alginate 27g, water 1L, cotton 5g.
3.Mini TrayOrange peel 200g, gelatin 160g, coconut oil 50g, water 580g.




Ren Zhiqiang

B   1996.09.12

T   +82 10 7349 0912

E  ren9449qq@naver.com


Liu Jingying

B   1998.05.22

T   +82 10 6796 5522

E   bouncestage@naver.com



Peel Aesthetics

