VOL. 14


Kim hyeonkyeong 2022. 6. 24. 14:25


"Eco-friendly party props collection"


Reflecting the trend of preferring value consumption, 
Eco-friendly product design can contribute to consumption

that thinks about the environment and the future.
Disposable items and table lights used at parties, such as party plates and wine covers,
It is made of bioplastics to add organicity.



The Patioca Collection is
You can watch it at 2022 Tokyo Lifestyle Week.



Material: 타피오카 전분(tapioca), 한천가루(agar)



It's used a lot at parties
Party items that can replace disposable items
Using agar powder and tapioca powder,

which are biodegradable ingredients, 
It made TABLE LIGHT out of bioplastics.



W250 x D190



Tapioca 50ml

Agar 20ml

Glycerin 15ml

Vinegar 5ml

Water 500ml


Production process





Using agar powder, glycerin, and water, a set of party plates was produced

that did not harm the environment by biodegradation into nature even after one use and disposal.

It can contain a variety of foods by size.

It is light in weight, so you can enjoy it at a standing party.

The color was added with acrylic paint and a small topping was made on a transparent base to give a point.



agar 40ml

water 200ml

glycerin 5ml

and acrylic paint

"Production process"

1. Prepare the ingredients.

2. Pour 200ml of water into the pot.

3. If you want to color, add acrylic paint.

4. Dissolve the paint and boil the water once and turn off the heat.

5. When the water is warm, add 40ml of agar powder.

6. After pouring agar powder, add 5ml of glycerin.

7. Turn on the heat again and boil for 10minutes while stirring.

8. When it becomes thick, pour it into a mold and harden it.



Wine Cover, Flower Pot, Napkin Holder

Wine Cover, Flower Pot, Napkin Holder are

organic party props using fabric and paint on bioplastic made of tapioca and agar starch.

It replaces disposable products used and thrown away at parties with bioplastics,

allowing the props used after the party to be completely decomposed.



Wine Cover W220 x D190

Flower Pot W70 x D70 x H50

Napkin Holder W140 x D60



Tapioca 60ml

Agar 20ml

Glycerin 10ml

Vinegar 5ml

Water 600ml


Fabric & Paint




Production process


Drying process





P  R  O  F  I  L  E

Kim Hyeon Kyeong



Hong Yu Jin




Suh Yeon woo
